Europa Science Privacy Policy

About Europa Science Ltd

Europa Science Ltd is a wholly owned subsidiary of Europa Science Holdings Ltd.

Europa Science Ltd complies with the Data Protection Act 2018 (DPA) and the Privacy and Electronic Communications (EC Directive) Regulations 2003, as well as the UK General Data Protection Regulation, introduced in January 2021.

This privacy policy applies to any website owned and operated by Europa Science Ltd.

What information do we collect about you?

We collect information from you when you complete any form of registration/subscription with us, either online or offline, relating to our products and services, including (but not limited to): receiving our magazines and/or email newsletters; placing any form of promotion with us; or entering into a media partnership with us.

Information collected may include: your name, email address, postal address, telephone number, job title, and professional interests.

We record interactions on our email newsletters (such as opens and clicks) to help us measure the effectiveness of our communications with you.

When you visit our website(s), certain information may automatically be collected from your device. This information may include: IP address, device type, unique device ID numbers, fingerprint, login information, browser type and version, time zone setting, operating system and platform, geographic location, and other technical information.

We may also collect information about how your device has interacted with the website(s), including pages accessed, visit dates and time, length of visits to certain pages, page interaction information, and referral source information.

We may also collect information from you separately when you access certain types of content, such as white papers or webcasts, or when you enter competitions or complete surveys.

If you register, your profile may be linked to previously recorded data on site interactions.

How is information gathered?

  • Directly when a user account is created.
  • Indirectly, through browsing habits, web applications and so on.
  • Using social sign-on – You may opt to create an account using an existing social profile. You will be asked whether you are happy to share basic information with our system in order to complete your account details.
  • Website information is collected using cookies (see below).

How will we use information about you?

We collect information about you in order to deliver our products and services to you efficiently and accurately. We may also, from time to time, contact you via post, telephone or email regarding other products and services we think may be of interest to you, either from Europa Science Ltd or other companies within the Europa Science Group.

We use information collected from the website to personalise your repeat visits to our website, and to collect data for statistical analysis purposes.

We will never share your information with others without your prior consent. 

There are some circumstances, such as when accessing certain types of premium content (e.g. a white paper or a webcast), when we will pass on your details to a third party. You will always be asked to agree to this action separately and every time, and you may choose not to access such content if you do not want your details to be shared.

Special offers opt in

If you have chosen, as part of your registration, to receive special offers and information from third parties, we may send you information, via email, on behalf of selected third parties. In these circumstances, your email is not shared with anyone, and any such emails will come directly from us.

Occasionally carefully selected partners may choose to buy a one time postal list. If you have chosen to receive such special offers and you have provided us with a postal address, the appropriate details will be shared for one-time use with the third-party in question. Such third parties are obliged to sign an agreement with us to ensure any such data is only used for that single purpose, and is not subsequently used or shared.

Accessing your information and preferences

All registered readers of our magazines and all recipients of our email newsletters have an account with us. You must also have an individual registration for each website/magazine to which you want access. Your registration allows you to select what information you receive from us, and how you receive that information. You can opt out of any individual newsletter at any time.

Unsubscribing and your right to be forgotten

If you no longer wish to receive anything from us, your options are as follows:

  • Log in to your account, click the deactivation button and follow the prompts.
  • If you want to exercise your right to be forgotten, you should email and ask for your account to be entirely deleted. However, because we will no longer have any record of you and your details, it is possible that we may later acquire your details as a prospect (under ‘legitimate interest’), and therefore you may receive information from us some time in the future.


We use Cookiebot to ask you for your consent on which cookies we use. Cookies are used on our website(s) to provide a better user experience. We do this by placing a small text file on your device to track how you use the website, to record or log whether you have seen messages we display, to keep you logged in to the website, where applicable, to track access, and display adverts or content.

Some cookies are required to enjoy and use the full functionality of our website(s).

Ad Blockers

We use Javascript to detect ad blockers, and we reserve the right to change levels of access to certain pages on our site(s) based on whether or not an ad blocker is being used.

Other websites

Our websites contain links to other websites. This privacy policy applies only to this website and any other website owned and operated by Europa Science Ltd. If, during your visit to a Europa Science website, you click a link to a third-party website, you should take care to immediately read its own privacy policy, which may be very different from ours.

Third party Data Processing (Subprocessors)

Drupal – Subscription management – Website

As a data processor Drupal holds our data

Upland Software – Adestra – Email marketing automation platform

As a Data Processor, Upland Software is processing the personal data (owned and controlled by Europa science) at the instruction of Europa Science (and in accordance with data privacy law).

Changes to our privacy policy

We keep our privacy policy under regular review and we will place any updates on this page. This privacy policy was last updated on 20 March 2024.

How to contact us

Please contact us if you have any questions about our privacy policy or information we hold about you:

By telephone: +44 (0)1223 221030

By email:

By post: Europa Science Ltd, 4 Signet Court, Cambridge, CB5 8LA, UK

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